Saturday, June 19, 2010

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

I work with a lot of people who for whatever reason end up pregnant, but as soon as they know they%26#039;re pregnant it%26#039;s a case of %26quot;grabbing%26quot; everything they can get. Most will move from claiming just Income Support/Jobseekers Allowance to the full whack such as child benefit, tax credit, new start grant, community care grant, etc etc etc

Whilst I don%26#039;t grudge these people those benefits I%26#039;ve noticed more and more now that it%26#039;s not thought of as a social service they expect, they demand this money. What bothers me is that they get pregnant and then expect the state to support them for the next 18 years and just before that time%26#039;s up get pregnant again, so in theory they can avoid having to work all their life. What are your views on this matter?

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

You are in danger of tarring any that claims benefits with the same brush but you make valid points.

The benefit system (and not just for those with kids) is a career choice now, not the safety net and a temporary solution it should be.

My neighbour recently returned to work when her daughter started school. She is 鎷?0 a month worse of that she was when she claimed benefits (she has to pay for after school care and has lost the rebates on council tax etc). It should never be more economical to live on benefits that work, the minimum wage needs to be addressed.

We both work, always have done. I took maternity leave then worked weekends for the first 18 months of my son%26#039;s live. We were lucky and able to afford that (we made the scarifices nessecery) but got the princely sum of 鎷?4 a month in tax credits. I returned to work part time and only do about 18 hours a week. Out of what Iearn 鎷?60 a month goes to pay the nursery - thats about 1/3rd of my monthly wage but hey - it keeps me sane, I%26#039;m still earning more than I was. But it infuriates me, it always seems those that do nothing get more. There are families claiming everything going, childcare, school uniform, milk tokens, furit and veg vouchers, free school meals, motability cars (apparantly being obese is a disability now) and so it goes on and on.... You choose to work for a living you get nothing!

So, the root of the problem is that the government has made living on benefits to easy and now the second generations are coming through with no working ethic installed. I%26#039;m only 24 but I remember my dad working all the hours he did and my mum working when we were at school. Not working has never been an option, I come from a proud hard working family and so does my partner. This has been passed onto us and in turn will be passed onto our son. There are families where 3 generations haven%26#039;t worked in years, sit around smoking, claiming whatever they can and complaining in turn raising bitter idle children who won%26#039;t work a day in their lives.

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

Because the system is in place for them to do so!....

Blame the government, and some parents......

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

not everyone who is on benefit is like that. I appreciate that that is what some people do, but dont tar everyone with the same brush

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

Because we sadly let the get away with living like this.

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

Dont blame the inmates, blame the asylum!

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

Where I live, it is also done deliberately to get a bigger/better council house. It is despicable, no self respect, and God help the children - what chance do they stand.

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

I think it stinks but if the system allows it how do you stop it?

Spot on Noo Noo.

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

Because the government have kindly provided them with a reason never to work as long as they keep popping out the kids.

Alot of them are better off not working and claiming all of those benefits than those of us who struggle to pay our way.

Don%26#039;t get me wrong I get child benefit like evryone else and I also get working tax credit like the vast majority of parents, but I also work and my husband works all the hours he possibly can to help us pay our mortgage and other bills. It is hard to swallow that while we are busting our guts people are getting more than us by not doing anything at all.

Maybe we are the foolish ones and they are the smart ones!!

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

my views are like yours i know women who have never worked as they are having children most of their teens and early twenties, i work hard and when my two boys were growing up i went to work when their father came home, but nowadays the mothers want to keep digging into the benefit tub without putting anything back , but i wouldnt swap my life for theirs i can enjoy holidays and buy nice things because i work hard what future do these mothers have

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

I have no problems with them being given aid, but I believe it should be cut off at a certain number of children, not only for population control, but to also stop these people who just have kid after kid to sponge off the state.

I%26#039;m on disability living allowance and income support, due to an untreatable version of Epilepsy that prevents me from working, and whilst I%26#039;m on a tidy sum, if all these spongers and illegal immigrants went back to where they came from, I%26#039;d be receiving more money, and so would departments that really need it, such as the NHS and education, (especially if the UK stopped helping the US in their illegal war), plus, the TAX rates would go down.

Don%26#039;t read me wrong, I was abused into quitting my job because of my Epilepsy, and I want to work, and as soon as it%26#039;s possible to at least inhibit my Epilepsy and control it, I%26#039;m gonna%26#039; be right out there, looking for a job, so I can complain about TAX like everyone else, (see how pumping more money into the NHS would be beneficial, cutting the ammount of people, such as myself, on permanent sick leave).

I know some people will call me a sponger, but realise that I%26#039;m only claiming what I%26#039;m legally entitled too, and see if you could cope with a severe form of Epilepsy for 9 years, and if they were permanently disabled such as myself, then I would encourage them to seek benefits too, it%26#039;s our right as red-blooded Anglo-Saxon%26#039;s.

But having kids just so you can sponge money off the state and sit back watching QVC all day; that%26#039;s just plain wrong, I say limit each family to say, 3 children, to control the population problems in this country, and also reduce our national debt.

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

I have daughters in their early 20%26#039;s and each and every one of their friends has children, in fact, most of them had more than one child by the age of 20. None of these girls has worked a day in their lives yet, they go on to have more children expecting the state to keep them. The benefit system is there to help the genuinely needy, not the people who have no intention of ever working. Perhaps if the benefit system wasn%26#039;t as easily accessible to these people, they might think twice about producing babies that they can%26#039;t afford to keep.

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

Well I have 5 children and my partner and I both work. We get child benefit and tax credits. I notice you said move on from income support to get child benefit etc, but everyone gets child benefit , even millionaires! I do think that it should be more difficult to get certain benefits as there are people who milk it. Not just people with children either. I know of many adults of all ages, who live on benefits and make no effort to work at all. I overhear them ranting on the bus about how their off to get a crisis loan because they haven%26#039;t got their giro, and they%26#039;re entitled to it. That annoys me. I don%26#039;t see why they feel they should be entitled to anything when they spend their whole life scrounging. I work in a pub and I see the same old faces on the days they get paid, spending their money on shooters and vodka. I think that a benefit system is needed and people should get them. I was on benefits myself when I split up from my first partner and was a single mum with 4 small children. Not all people take the p**s. But there are definately a lot who do. I went to college a couple of years back and did 2 years of full time courses. As this is a small place and small college, there are no more courses left for me to do, so I thought I%26#039;d like to try the open university. The courses are really expensive though and I can%26#039;t afford it, even with the help of the ila. It%26#039;s just money, I don%26#039;t have. Yet, if I were on benefits, I would be able to get it all for free. I find this very unfair, as I would love to be able to do a degree or something, but can%26#039;t. Yet if someone is a single parent, or can%26#039;t be bothered to go to work, they could get any course they wanted. It%26#039;s the same with clothing grants, school meals (that costs me over 50 pounds a week), prescriptions, dental treatment etc. We can%26#039;t get any of that. We both work hard and have to pay for everything ourselves. I can%26#039;t afford to go out every week and haven%26#039;t been on holiday with the kids for five and a half years, and that was when I saved the tokens from the sun newspaper. Not that I%26#039;m winging and moaning, it was my choice to have my kids and the tax credit scheme is a great help to us, but it is annoying the way some people get it laid on a plate for them. Even my son, who turns 16 in a few weeks has been working in a takeaway every weekend for the last 2 years, and my 14 year old has been doing a bit of work here and there too.

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

Because the government allows then to x

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

I know exactly what your talking about.

This what I am about to say is related slightly.

A person worked where I did and you know she was never at work.

She had a right little thing going,

Every year she would get pregnant and although employed,was never there

Reason When she was not at work she was either claiming Maternity Benefit or Taking her holidays allowed from her work place.

What a SCAM

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

Because they can,

And the state will pay,

Blame the state,

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

its another way of getting out of going to work, to breed like a rabbit.

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

As long as the system allows them to do it, they will do it. They know that they will get it for the sake of the child.

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

you are right

and these seem to be the people having larger families

i know of some families where there is a child in each school year for six or more kids - and guess what? neither parent works or is likely to....... some language problems....

i have three sons and have had to pay for everything ......i would have liked a fourth child but found full time work and three kids a handful.....perhaps if i had never worked i%26#039;d have had my fourth child

it is a good job that there are mugs like me and my husband to help to pay for these children of parents who don%26#039;t try to support their families...

Why do some people get pregnant, but expect the state to pay for their child?

being a unwed mother is a full time job, and after all she is providing the state with potential canon fodder.

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