Saturday, October 31, 2009

How should I handle my selfish Spouse?

I am always willing to do everything in my power to help my spouse finanicially but, he will not do that for me. For example, when he%26#039;s short on money paying our bills or his bills. I always pick up the slack,which I don%26#039;t have a problem with at all! I%26#039;ve even put my credit on the line for my spouse and he%26#039;s left me with bills to pay on my own. Eventually, I had to file for bankruptcy! But when it comes to me! It%26#039;s always an excuse or he tells me he just doesn%26#039;t have any money to spare for me. But he doesn%26#039;t make that excuse when it comes to his mother or his siblings. It%26#039;s like I always come last. I suggested that he gets another job part-time to pay his bills. All I got was%26quot;Why should I get another job when I already got one?%26quot; %26quot;I%26#039;m not going to get another job when I already worked hard for 8 hours already!%26quot; I%26#039;ve considered just leaving, but I have the kids to consider. I work and go to school and take care of a household. I don%26#039;t feel like my spouse cares me. I feel like a used ATM.

How should I handle my selfish Spouse?

In most marriages it technically is the man%26#039;s responsibility to take care of the family. If he is unwilling to do this then it might be better for you to get your own place. That however does not give you the license to cheat or have boyfriends anymore than it allows him to.

Does he pay the electric, water, rent/housepayment, gas and gas and insurance for the car? Does he buy the food?

If he does these things then any other bill is not necessary.

If you have had to file bankruptcy because of bills other than house bills then something is wrong with both of you.

I find it difficult to see that either of you were thinking clearly when it came to pay for things or buy things so they do not have to go on credit.

I would not have a problem contributing to the house but I would have a problem if he made for example 1000 dollars a month and our bills are only 350 dollars and he is unable to pay for the bills. Where is the money going? Why are you all so over extended? Is it just his siblings and mother?

How should I handle my selfish Spouse?

you should honestly contact the local mental health center in your area for some counseling they can give you the good advise you deserve!!

How should I handle my selfish Spouse?

We need to get together and form a club or something.

That said, in yet another relationship of mine - my (ex) husband and I went through the same thing and I noticed I had even more money to spare then when I was with him. A marriage is a partnership... 50/50. That dosent just apply to finances, but also giving a chit about things in a relationship too. Personally, I started stashing money in a seperate account... which is a good idea for the future if leaving ever comes up again. Seperating bills like cell phones and other items might not be a bad idea to get your point across as well as protect your own credit as best you can for now.

How should I handle my selfish Spouse?

Sit down and have a serious talk with him and ask him to help you,if he decide not to help you leave him.

How should I handle my selfish Spouse?

well i got 3 things 1 go to him in the morning make a pot of Coffey then start talking about your problem 2 when you both settled on the problem start telling him how st rest out you are and how your mar rage is going the Ring way 3 AND say if you love me fix this problem with me together

How should I handle my selfish Spouse?

Maybe he will come to the same conclusion when its his credit going on the line for his own bills since you aren%26#039;t going to give him any more money, right?

How should I handle my selfish Spouse?

Close the ATM to him. Don%26#039;t pay any of his bills, stop it right now. Start saving your money, you need it more.

Only you can decide whether you kick him out or not and whether it is worth saving your marriage, but don%26#039;t let him continue to use you only for your money.

How should I handle my selfish Spouse?

So take your kids and leave. Think of it this way: Your life should be easier without him, as you will have one less mouth to feed.

How should I handle my selfish Spouse?

Have you tried the stragegy of just not helping your spouse financially? You are inviting trouble by always giving and doing that in spite of the fact that the favor is not returned. But it doesn%26#039;t have to be a deal-breaker in your marriage. You two have to sit down and decide on a budget. Put money equally every month in a house account and you are responsible for paying the bills. If you can%26#039;t pay the bills because he%26#039;s not putting his share in, then the car insurance is not paid and the electricity goes and the mortgage doesn%26#039;t get paid. Then move out, get your own car, pay your own bills and live a fiscally responsible life separate from your husband. Make that clear. Make it clear that this means divorce - not just him getting a free ride to be a big spender on his own time. It means divorce and more bills. You%26#039;re not going to be shouldering all the responsibility - make it clear that if he tries to force that, you will walk and you will take the kids with you. In return, you guarantee that with his equal contribution, all the bills are paid and life proceeds smoothly.

You might work some kind of savings and retirement plan into that budget while you%26#039;re at it. You don%26#039;t want him crying %26#039;poor%26#039; when you two are old enough to retire.

After all the money is contributed equally (it should cover all your bills, including clothing, gifts and groceries, etc.) his money is his and your money is yours. Then if he wants to give money to his mother or his siblings, he can but it comes out of %26#039;his pocket%26#039; and that leaves less for him. Maybe then he will think about another part-time job because he will want more spending money for himself.

As for you, guard your money wisely and spend it wisely on yourself. Don%26#039;t gift him with money - it only makes things worse. And don%26#039;t ever %26#039;loan%26#039; him money.

Thinking about a Chapter 7 bankruptcy . .?

Okay so I live in Massachusetts and I don%26#039;t have that bad of credit card debt but its been a almost a year since i made any kinda of payment which i know the chapter 7 will whip out. .but what i%26#039;m worried about is i really want it to whip out the repossession of the car I used to own. . I really want that to go away cause its the one thing I know i%26#039;ll never be able to pay off. . thats why they took in the first place. .now the credit cards i could probley chizzle at if I made payment plans but not the repo. will the chapter 7 take care of this or will it never go away unless I pay all the money they are asking for??

Thinking about a Chapter 7 bankruptcy . .?

Your repo-ed car is no longer a secured debt because they already took the property away (their security interest). So what you have left is a repo deficiency. A repo deficiency is an unsecured debt and it will be wiped out by your bankruptcy - meaning that you will no longer be responsible for paying it.

Thinking about a Chapter 7 bankruptcy . .?

Happy to help! Report It

Thinking about a Chapter 7 bankruptcy . .?

I think (but I%26#039;m not sure) that since it is already repossesed, that is going to stay with you.

Thinking about a Chapter 7 bankruptcy . .?

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the commonest denotation of bankruptcy. It stands for waiving or canceling of debts that you have incurred. As an individual, you can select between Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Selecting between the two is not easy. The bankruptcy court will study your circumstances before deciding which type of bankruptcy is applicable to you.

The Chapter 7 bankruptcy is applicable if you have no regular sources of income. It works by reducing or clearing off all your debts. You can then make a fresh start without having to worry about having to pay your debts.

Once you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the bankruptcy court assigns a trustee who works as an intermediary between you and the debtors. He oversees everything and checks out if the bankruptcy plan is going as planned.

Thinking about a Chapter 7 bankruptcy . .?

Bankruptcy doe%26#039;s not make lines of credit good or bad go away. They simply show as %26quot;included in bankruptcy%26quot;.

If the repossession has already taken place? It will remain on your credit no matter what for 7-years from the last reported date.

Why can't I just bring myself to go?

I%26#039;m in college, I%26#039;ve been struggling since September to be successful and to get my work done. I switched from one program to another because it was more slow paced. I started two months behind the rest. Now it%26#039;s January, I haven%26#039;t gone to class in such a long time. The program I%26#039;m in is independent learning, but there are certain days where I have to go.

Anyway, I%26#039;ve been battling with depression for years. It always ruins everything. I have a counselor now at the college which I haven%26#039;t seen in a while, but If I don%26#039;t care enough to get out of bed, or to eat, then why would I care about class. No one really understands. I sit here dressed and ready to get to class. Yet I can%26#039;t bring myself to do it. I%26#039;ve built all these fears, from putting class off for so long. If I fail 1.5 credit classes I lose my funding by my sponsor, and I%26#039;ll never get it again. I feel like such a spoiled brat, government gives me money to go to college yet I abuse it. I feel as if I%26#039;m destined for failure.

Why can%26#039;t I just bring myself to go?

PLEASE don%26#039;t be so hard on yourself. Depression is a sickness, just like the flu. I hope you wouldn%26#039;t be so pissed off at yourself for missing class because you caught the flu.

It sounds like your depression needs some care right now. I know it%26#039;s hard to get out of bed or care to get out of bed (trust me, I really do know), but the greatest gift you could give yourself right now would be to go back to that counselor and get a referral to a dr. or psychiatrist that might be able to prescribe you some medication. If the thought of medication bothers you, please go back to the flu metaphor. Most people wouldn%26#039;t have a problem taking medication for the flu if it would help them feel better and give them their %26quot;normal%26quot; functioning level back faster.

The most successful way to treat depression is through both medication and cognitive therapy. Please try both. And also know, sometimes it takes awhile to find the right medication. Don%26#039;t give up if the first or even the second don%26#039;t work correctly for you. Medication for depression is a very individualized thing.

Take care of yourself and give yourself some grace. You are not a spoiled brat.

Good luck

Why can%26#039;t I just bring myself to go?

I am so happy to help. You are not alone!!! Good luck with your counseling. *HUGS* Report It

Why can%26#039;t I just bring myself to go?

Just take a few laxitives and youll go jussst fine.

Why can%26#039;t I just bring myself to go?

I%26#039;m in college, I%26#039;ve been struggling since September to be successful and to get my work done. I switched from one program to another because it was more slow paced. I started two months behind the rest. Now it%26#039;s January, I haven%26#039;t gone to class in such a long time. The program I%26#039;m in is independent learning, but there are certain days where I have to go.

Anyway, I%26#039;ve been battling with depression for years. It always ruins everything. I have a counselor now at the college which I haven%26#039;t seen in a while, but If I don%26#039;t care enough to get out of bed, or to eat, then why would I care about class. No one really understands. I sit here dressed and ready to get to class. Yet I can%26#039;t bring myself to do it. I%26#039;ve built all these fears, from putting class off for so long. If I fail 1.5 credit classes I lose my funding by my sponsor, and I%26#039;ll never get it again. I feel like such a spoiled brat, government gives me money to go to college yet I abuse it. I feel as if I%26#039;m destined for failure.

Additional Details

50 seconds ago

I%26#039;m in no way ungrateful of the money that I receive for my education. It%26#039;s just everyone around me not wanting me to lose my funding. Its all everyone worries about, %26quot;Don%26#039;t lose your funding, you%26#039;ll never get it back%26quot; Blah! why can%26#039;t I just suck it up and go.

4 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer. - 1 answer - Report Abuse

Why can%26#039;t I just bring myself to go?

You need to withdrawl now if you don%26#039;t go to class. You%26#039;re wasting money, even government money.

While depression is huge, you%26#039;re admitting to it. That%26#039;s the first step.

Your first step should be to see your counselor.

Ask yourself: why did I once care about classes? A future? To feel successful? Why?

But first go to the counselor. This sounds less like depression and more like a case of scared of failing.

Why can%26#039;t I just bring myself to go?

you have a crappy counselor. rush to a shrink to be treated for your deadly depression before it is too late. they can give you some meds to get you through this crisis. lol

Why can%26#039;t I just bring myself to go?

Just get off your butt and work on your assignments.Ask yourself if you are making the most out of your time? If you aren%26#039;t, you need to stop whatever you are doing and study.So, stop thinking of excuses and just do it!!!!!!!!!!

Why can%26#039;t I just bring myself to go?

talk to mom. that%26#039;s what i did. mom%26#039;s are so much cooler than you think, they always seem to surprise you somehow. then talk to the guidence consular and ask if they could talk to your teachers for you about why you missed class, missed work, and to work with you on catching up. after all that all you have to do is go to class. try more consuling if you are still having a hard time. maybe you need meds to help stablize you moods.

Why can%26#039;t I just bring myself to go?

I know about depression, and how slowly and completely it can consume a life (sometimes, literally).

Here%26#039;s my advice: take another step by going to the college%26#039;s medical staff -- or asking your guidance counselor -- to seek anti-depressants. Once you accomplish this, then you can start to tackle other tasks to revive your scholarship career. Without anti-depressants, sometimes the tasks in front of you can appear insurmountable.

And good luck, my dear; I wish you success.

Why can%26#039;t I just bring myself to go?

If you cannot make yourself go any longer, then seek help, and since you have been having this problem for years it would be wise to do so. Now would be a good time. People have problems and they can%26#039;t help it. Others will never understand what your going through until they are walking in your shoes. I wouldn%26#039;t be so down on myself. I had a similiar experience, my parents paid for me to go to college doing something I didn%26#039;t want to do. I went everyday in the same type of depression like you mentioned, because I knew otherwise I would be more depressed and they would hate me. I never talked to anyone or did anything other than sit there moping. If I could redo it, I would have taken meds and straightened up. If you can, make yourself keep going on. Your not a brat, you have issues. Get you some meds and you%26#039;ll feel better. First you got to want to help yourself though, remember that.

Why can%26#039;t I just bring myself to go?

Been there. Sounds like you%26#039;re having a significant depressive episode with anxiety. Your medication dosage of type may not be sufficient to deal with it. Talk to your counsellor and doctor. The definition of dysfuntional is when the problem starts adversely impacting your life. You have a problem that needs treatment - now. If you wait another week, you%26#039;ll be deeper behind. Do it now.

Another suggestion - avoid independent study courses. They are absolutely the wrong format for depressive people for exactly the reasons you%26#039;ve cited. Also, hook up with another bright student in the class and arrange for notes exchange. It works well if both partners take good notes and try to get to class every day. It also attaches you to another person.

But really - get to the doctor today (even the ER if that%26#039;s the only way of getting medical help quickly) and talk to your counsellor today.

Hope it goes better for you.

Why can%26#039;t I just bring myself to go?

go see a doctor they have medication to help with depression now that really works

Why can%26#039;t I just bring myself to go?

You could have a form of the phobia for leaving home or agoraphobia. If you are enrolled in college you can get help from counselors and doctors on campus. Please don%26#039;t let this phobia ruin your life.

Why can%26#039;t I just bring myself to go?

It%26#039;s your health that is the most important issue. Tell your friends that you really don%26#039;t need their opinions, so please stop! Seek a psychologist, my dear! You are not a spoiled brat! Right now you have no control over your depression. It%26#039;s a physiological state that you%26#039;re in. Your doctor can help you, by talking with you, and putting you on meds to control your depression (been there.) Don%26#039;t blame yourself, just get yourself some help! Take care, and take it slow.

Why can%26#039;t I just bring myself to go?

I read your biography. It sounds like you are a really good, level headed person, who is just fighting depression. I so understand because I am fighting it too. It%26#039;s takes a lot of effort just to clean my house and I can%26#039;t imagine having to take classes right now.

However, you have to pull yourself together enough to get out the door and head to class. Don%26#039;t you usually feel better once you busy yourself and get there? Don%26#039;t lose your funding because it%26#039;s a great opportunity for you to do whatever you want to do with your life in the future. You have goals. Think about your goals and how you can achieve them. Join some positive groups at your college and hang out with positive people, who are uplifting.

Perhaps make an appointment with your doctor, who can help you with your depression.

Now get off the computer and just go to class!

Why can%26#039;t I just bring myself to go?

Get help now! I had the EXACT same experience when I attend college. Unfortunately, I did not know that I was depressed and just kept losing one class after another. I still have the same issues today. Was on medication for a time, worked very well but work insurance changed and was no longer covered for the expensive prescription. I tell you now, seek professional help if at all possible. depression is one of the most misunderstood conditions out there. Don%26#039;t take it lightly. My life has been complete disappointment and chaos since I got off of the medication. Takes a lot to overcome your symptoms, but as stated before, the fact that you have become aware is the first step to overall wellness.

Why can%26#039;t I just bring myself to go?

little sweet,

you cant just suck up depression! if you had an untreated broken leg could you suck it up and go to class? no. and you are off tilt just a bit...a teenie bit broken

Go see the Dr on campus she deals with this EVERY SINGLE DAY. You are not a spoiled brat.

You need some therapy ...some meds and someone who cares about what you are can e-mail me. I am the mom of 5 daughters and a son.I already did the collage thing with all of them...2 of them are still on Paxil but they are grad students...Talk to your mom. or me if you need to.!

Why can%26#039;t I just bring myself to go?

Pull up your bootstraps and get yourself to your counselor about this problem. He or she is better equipped to help you out of this slump or depression. Right now it sounds like depression has a firm grip on you.

Please know there is a way out of it but it really sounds like you need some outside help. It takes a brave person to admit it. I%26#039;ve been there and done just that. (things had gotten so out of hand I checked myself into the hospital for help. It was probable one of the best things I could have done. I learned some coping skills and a lot of other stuff that was very helpful and my case did require taking antidepressants for awhile. AND I am very much alive. Had I not done this I wouldn%26#039;t be here today.)

Hang in there and know there are people who care about you and want to see you succeed in life.

Please go see your counselor at college if nothing else just to see what he/she has to say.

Oh, and people who do go to psychiatrist or therapist or check themselves into the hospital for help ARE NOT pshyco, they are people who have realized they need serious help before something serious happens. So don%26#039;t listen to any of that crap.

Why can%26#039;t I just bring myself to go?

It would make the most sense for you to get into treatment as soon as possible. Depression will steal life from you. I%26#039;ve messed up college so many times...and learned from it that the most important thing I should have done was WITHDRAW from classes until I was able to manage going. You should be able to get a medical temporarily take off of school, without losing your funding. But if you don%26#039;t go through the proper channels and do this, you will very likely have found you%26#039;ve created a mess for yourself. I learned this the hard way.

If you have this trauma in your past and depression for years, why on earth haven%26#039;t you seen a mental health professional? In any case, what%26#039;s done is done, so you need to take it from here.

If I were you, I would talk to the college counselor and ask her/him to refer you to a therapist. This is really serious, but there is help and hope.

I totally understand not being able to just bring yourself to go and do what needs to be done. I think anyone who has struggled with depression has.

Collection agencies....:(?

i am a starving student who got in a load of credit card debt. my 5,000 dollar american express debt has been turned over to llied credit.....and they requested the whole thing or they would sue me for it. i told them that was impossible and that was that. i am in florida

what happens now?

how will it be affecting me?

how can i take care of it?

how probable is it that they will actually sue for that amount? is it considered large?

help please!

Collection agencies....:(?

Credit card debt consolidation program is an innovative way which helps you to merge all your outstanding credit card debts to make them manageable. This way, you can manage your debts and finances more easily. You may have accumulated debts on various things. Some common examples could be a new car, education, foreign trips, or for renovating your home. However, the debts because of excessive use of credit cards is the most common due form of debt that bothers people.

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The Credit card debt consolidation program also enables you to repay credit card debt in small, convenient and affordable monthly payments. You can even have an extended duration of up to six years to ease your financial burden. You can opt for debt management help in numerous fashions. It is not necessary to opt for an expensive process. Rather you can select a debt help plan that costs a little or even free. Bad credit debt consolidation is also becoming increasingly accepted today as a natural response to the high level of debt. Get all information about credit card debt consolidation at:

Collection agencies....:(?

There are many programs out there that can help you, but they will do the same thing that you can do for yourself. One of them to try is It is Incharge Debt Solutions and they will try to help you, but only as much as you are willing to help yourself....meanwhile, don%26#039;t sign up for anymore credit cards! If you can%26#039;t pay cash for it, you don%26#039;t need it!!!

Would eveny one just stop!?

stop living day to day worring about ur credit score or ur fashion or what time ur kids get out of soccer practice ..... there are real issues in this world that need all of our help .... the time its taking me to type this hell ppl just died of hunger...are u gonna die of hunger or r u gonna go shopping later or r u gonna go to the club whats wrong with us ... we need to help ppl and stop consuming our small little reality we have chosen to only worry about..... come on dont u care about other humans ? pls help me understand why we are leting this happen? our world has gone to sh*t and no one cares!!

Would eveny one just stop!?

If there were an organization everyone trusted, more would give. People gave millions to 9/11 and Katrina, and the victims never received it. In a world where so many are scammed everyday, it is hard to believe your money is going to the cause. I still give to charity, but I never know if it does any good.

How do I deal with being labeled as a Nasty Mother in law.?

I am the so called nasty mother-in-law. I first met my future daugther in law. We took them all on a exotic vacation. I was very excited my son (24) had met someone, he had been hurt in a previous relationship. I am trying to be unbias in this response. They were told to pay airfare and their own spending money and we would take care of everything else. It was our 25th anniversary. (With our other son and his girlfriend they saved to pay airfare and spending money they are high school kids)

At the last minute, we had to pay their airfare or risk losing the cost of the vacation, then they came with only 50.00, charged every thing to our cabin even a present for us. That was not a good start. It got worse, we tried to help them get started loaning them money, and when they came to the house they took food. Which is ok we dont want them to starve. Then when I was on business travel they came again and took other things. My son took her student loans in her name cause she could not get them in her name, so she went to college and he worked. She could not get a part time job due to the fact she was carring a 12 hour credit load. My husband and I went through college working fulltime and going to school fulltime so we were a little put out at this. I think the last straw was when I found out I didnt have cancer but they had to remove an ovary (I am 45) and she stated %26quot;why dont you just have it all cut out%26quot;. From one woman to another that was mean. I am a bit of a pain in the *** to my son, I want him to finish college he has less than a year and she made it clear he was not going to finish she was in control. Last straw was she invited my husband to wedding and not me. How am I suppose to be nice to this woman. They take our money borrow and loan but i am not good enough to go to the wedding. My heart is broken but I will stay away I wish my son a happy life but I dont want to be part of this soap opera anymore. I am trying to get over this we were a close family before and it is hurting all of us. Aunts, uncles, grandparents. I would appreciate any help on this. My husband and I are lost, we felt we provided a loving and caring environment, we coached, room parents, worked extra jobs to send him to private schools and summer adventures. Did I expect too much having him finish college. He was at Cornell at 17 and and is quite brilliant. Now he is working a construction job and is almost bankrupt, we had to stop helping them with money. Maybe we did too much. So with out other son we do not want to even meet his girlfriends anymore. What happend to our dreams for our son to reach his potential??? He is at fault here he left without saying good bye and moved to another part of the country. So i am the horrible nasty mother in law. I suspect the anger I feel will keep me from a distance.

How do I deal with being labeled as a Nasty Mother in law.?

Don%26#039;t stop having a relationship with your son, he is son and always will be and the trick is to be nice to him and supportive so that he doesn%26#039;t turn to her for support and turn against you.

Your son is now a grown man and has made the choices he has made on his own, you can%26#039;t blame her, although she seems coniving, your son must learn that he must be incontrol of his life and people like her will always be there to try to gear you off track.

Yes, you did do too much for them, but how would you have known it would have backfired. When boys turn 18 they are men and they should not be given money or food or other things unless they are studying their butts off and trully trying hard to become a man.

The only thing you can do is build your relationship with your son so that he trusts you and and does not think of you as nasty, no matter what the girlfriend may say. You can hint things subtly or bring things to his attention, but never forcefully.

In the end, people have to experience things on their own, no matter how hard you try to warn them you will only stress yourself out and ruin the relationship. You%26#039;ve done your part as a parent by raising him up to the age of 18 and you can just hope you taught him enough to survive in this world.

Good luck and stress about it.

How do I deal with being labeled as a Nasty Mother in law.?

stop being silly, silly!!

How do I deal with being labeled as a Nasty Mother in law.?

as u said they r teenagers, exactly how do u expect them to act or feel?? if they%26#039;re not working where was they suppose to get their airfare from?.. why r u loaning them money? also why r u comparing what u and ur husband did to what they could do?? they r not u and u r not them.. i say let them live their lives and u live urs..

i know u want what%26#039;s best for ur son but u can%26#039;t be burdening urself w/this unecessary madness...

How do I deal with being labeled as a Nasty Mother in law.?

i am 30 and hate to say this as i am a mom of 2 small kids, but i do believe he got to spoiled by you. He was given everything growing up. Even as a kid we as moms and dads we must teach our kids to work and earn things wether it is money to buy things or to earn things they want. I am sorry that he is not man enough to be able to telol the itch that you are important and loved by him. He is an ungrateful brat and all you can do is pray to god that he will realize what he has done before it is to late.

How do I deal with being labeled as a Nasty Mother in law.?

Maybe it is time to let go a little. Quit helping them, and let them deal with their own problems. Then maybe they will appreciate you a little more. It may take some time though, be patient

How do I deal with being labeled as a Nasty Mother in law.?

Eventually your son will grow up, if he like being told what to do then he will be happy.You don%26#039;t get to choose what he does with his life, just try to be polite to her when she calls and close your purse to them. If they moved away, you won%26#039;t have to deal with the problems as much,sometimes a little distance lets you see things differently. Good luck and IF you believe than say a prayer for them.

I have five under age kids husband sold everythinh hid the incom not paying child support or elomny

i have five under age kids husband sold everythinh hid the incom not paying child support or elomny married 16 yrs no income took care of my kids for almost two yrs he took a low income job to prove no incom .my lawer not helping can%26#039;t efford to pay him.what to do plz some body guide been in court for almost a year nothing x didn;t pay credit cards no morgae for almost 6 months no home in few months .he says he have money but will not write on papers my lawer backing up i have no idea what to do cause my x showing no incom i make more money than him ans my name in nothing no home no credit card no buisness and my x says if i don%26#039;t back off i have to pay half of his debts

I have five under age kids husband sold everythinh hid the incom not paying child support or elomny married 1

Sometimes all you can do is cut your loses. You can also hire a private detective to find things out to take to court and show the judge. will help...other then that....all you can do is walk away with no money from x.

I have five under age kids husband sold everythinh hid the incom not paying child support or elomny married 1

Contact ur local child support agency, it would be a start even if its minimal child support it would be something rather then nothing then u could take him to court later, if u can prove his income prior to the c/s issue, u may stand a chance of having it modified around what he use to make, either way even if he has to make minimal payments, making minimal income, he will eventually need to step it up..

Get as much proof as u can of property he sold and what he got for it.. when u go in front of a judge, which he will eventually have to do in order to get the divorce, u plead ur case with as much proof that u can to show his wrong doings, he will have to pay u half of everything he sold..

I have five under age kids husband sold everythinh hid the incom not paying child support or elomny married 1

i think it really depends on who has the kids, i don%26#039;t know why, but by reading this, i suppose you have the kids. Well, he has to pay child support. He doesn%26#039;t exactly have a choice. I guess you%26#039;re going to have to go back to court to sort this out, because this isn%26#039;t fair to you or you%26#039;re children. He left the kids, he should have to pay for them and support them no matter what. This man is the lowest any man can be. What man can threaten his ex-wife like that and not pay child support? Doesn%26#039;t he love his children, and even if he doesn%26#039;t, does he really want them to end up like them? This is why it is so hard to trust men.

I have five under age kids husband sold everythinh hid the incom not paying child support or elomny married 1

don%26#039;t you have a court order or domestic relations order that automatically deducts child support from his paycheck? See legal aid in your county or go yo local domestic relations office. you don%26#039;t have to pay any credit in his name only - he%26#039;s just trying to scare you.

I have five under age kids husband sold everythinh hid the incom not paying child support or elomny married 1

Why in your other questions your English is clear and understandable and here you%26#039;re impossible to read or understand.

I have five under age kids husband sold everythinh hid the incom not paying child support or elomny married 1

You need to see your lawyer or go to Legal Aid in your town if you can%26#039;t afford a lawyer.

I have five under age kids husband sold everythinh hid the incom not paying child support or elomny married 1

You let yourself be vulnerable during your marriage by not making sure your name was on everything. This causes problems in situations like this.

If you think he has money, then you need to find out where the money is. If he has a bunch of debts that collectors are calling on, it may be that he has no money because he spent it. You must have reasons to think he has money, so think about those reasons and see if you can find anything.

If you have children, he has to pay child support. It doesn%26#039;t matter if he doesn%26#039;t have any job -- if you have the children all the time, then he has to pay it.

I would suggest that you see if you can find an attorney that speaks whatever language your native language is if possible, because part of your issue could be communication. You may also want to let the divorce go through as it stands. Then, when he gets a better job go after more child support.

I have five under age kids husband sold everythinh hid the incom not paying child support or elomny married 1

It is a bit difficult to understand everything here, but if you are still living with your husband and all this is going on, maybe your best bet would be to take the kids and leave him. Even with your job, you would qualify with social services for food stamps, subsidized housing (they may even pay the rent for you), health insurance for the kids, etc. If your own personal debt is high, you might have to consider filing bankruptcy. If you can and want to, file for divorce from husband. That should earn you a lot more, including child support and earned income tax credit which is a good chunk of $$ at tax time, esp. with 5 kids. Make sure you legally are not responsible for his debts and bills. Contact social services and see what all your options and benefits will be.

I have five under age kids husband sold everythinh hid the incom not paying child support or elomny married 1

find a pro bono lawyer,one for free or less then can show proof of him working by getting someone to take pictures of him at his work site.if your name wasnt on any of the bills he owes make sure your lawyer knows this,and see how he can get credit without any income.get a tape recorder and tape all calls with him.kinda snicker when you are talking to him and say what would you do if i were recording you because i am,still long as he has been told(but doesnt believe you would record him)you can hold everything aganist him in court.put the mike up to your ear piece when talking to him and get him rilled up so he will say all you need to get ex played this game and said he was only getting 50 a week from working with his dad,judge made him pay a little a week any will also be able to make him sell the house even if its not in your name and he will have to give you half of that.or he keeps it and pays you half of the value.

I have five under age kids husband sold everythinh hid the incom not paying child support or elomny married 1

To all those who wonder about the non-clarity of this posting.. stress can do alot to the mind but when you add anger, frustration and pure can be overwhelming. My brother works for support enforcement. Some postings are right. You can go to children%26#039;s services or Family services and request that your husband pay. Tell them the whole story. A dead-beat dad is a dead-beat Dad. They will force the support and if he refuses to pay it%26#039;s JAIL TIME. Judges do not care if you can%26#039;t afford to pay..they will tell you to get another low-paying job to supplement. As far as his bills if they are in his name they are his in most states. However, the bills that he racked up since you split up (you need proof of date he moved out) are his and his alone. He can push the issue that he owns half the house if you are not divorced and the judge will either award the house to you and him the payments, or they will decide how much it is worth and make you pay half the equity or if its paid off..half the worth of the house. Don%26#039;t take his threats...he can always be found through creditors, social security, IRS and the list goes on.. including the internet. Me, I would post a picture of him on the internet even if I had to open up a site called DEAD BEAT DADS and warn women of his past, obligations and irregularities. I would also post the town he resides in and where he works then ask %26quot;Do you know if this man works anywhere but (list his current employer)%26quot;. Of course I am one who believe in fulfilling one%26#039;s obligations even to children. When I was in the service overseas my ex had my children because of his sickly parents and I paid support. Of course it didn%26#039;t help it came in the mail cause his current wife cashed the money orders and never told anyone about them. I didn%26#039;t know there was a problem till my son said something at the age of 25. I had to show him the copies of the money orders and he showed his Dad. Crap hit the fan then he-he

My child's school district is not even fair what can I do to help??

I live in a semi poor to realy poor area the school district is not good , can%26#039;t afford to even walk into a private school what can I do to help my child ??

( before anyone judges I am not on welfare I work full time overnights and) part time days 1/2 my pay goes to day care rest in rent and stuff , my state says no funding to help me get a better life, I don%26#039;t want money or stamps I want to have a chance at a great job, ex trashed my credit so collage is out for at least 2 more years untill I can file chap 13 for the 20,000 in debt he put in in my credit with the new wife

My child%26#039;s school district is not even fair what can I do to help??

What you can do is help your child learn outside of class, and help make learning fun and interesting. There are several homeschooling sites out there with lesson plans and everything. I know full time homeschooling is not an option for you, but you can use those lessons to suppliment the school.

Have your child help you with the math when you go to the grocery store- have them keep a running total. Take them to the library and library programs as often as you can. Promote reading by example - you read while they read for a period of time every day. Encourage artistic expression - the dollar store has great art supplies.

As for your credit, you can go through a credit repair agency and dispute those charges. This is not very expensive and very worth it. You can also persue child support from the slacker.

There are federal student loans out there you can get even with poor credit, but realize that having a child while going to college is a hard process. While you are in college, do NOT turn down support like food stamps - that system is there for peope like you, people who pay into the system all the time, but on occasion need assistance. You%26#039;ll be back paying into it in no time.

Did i get blocked?

yesturday i answered a question about wether or not liberals use free computers at the library to access this web site. i answered that i bought a new computer with the $600 tax refund from geo. but i have spent more than that on gas, groceries and just about everything in this ever improving economy. and to give everybody this%26quot;generous tax break%26quot; they had to cut many school programs but who cares there only kids, we only care about today thats why we are conservatives. anyway i don%26#039;t know if i got blocked but it just dissapeared. if you blocked me you either did not like my answer or you are a big pu**y or both. my wife and i don%26#039;t have children and never will, but i would gladly give back any tax credit knowing that scool programs won%26#039;t get cut. kids are the future.

Did i get blocked?

maybe you forgot to %26#039;submit%26#039; it which happens sometime. Why not submit it again. Sometimes Yahoo looks at questions before they are posted. In fact once I got a message telling me to discontinue using I did. (The message %26#039;interrupted%26#039; my writing of the question in caps, so I said THANKS and went ahead with the question That only happened once though.

Just try posting it again.

Did i get blocked?

Maybe the asker deleted it . I have seen questions disappear that were less contentious than others that stayed . Email the asker, if you can remember ID.Maybe the asker didn%26#039;t like the answers, or wanted to revise it, so deleted %26amp; started over .

Did i get blocked?

check out your facts a little more

friend it has doubled since 1990,,,do you know anything else that has doubled

Financial responsibility for dog owners?

so here is my question: do you think before buying a dog a person should be forced to prove that they are able to financially support a dog? if not they should be forced to make a deposit towards vet care and vaccinations? i am not saying that a person needs to be loaded, just be able to pay the extra hundred or so dollars each month for dogs health care/ food etc

it just kills me how many posts there are about

my dog is bleeding from everywhere but i don%26#039;t have enough money to take it to the vet, what do i do

Companies run credit checks to get a cell phone but not a dog? how redicuilous is that?

Financial responsibility for dog owners?

Well you have touched on a tough subject

Yes there are allot of irresponsible Pet owners and some of the questions on here baffle me also but to check your credit is a stretch

I know to have a vet reference is a good enough thing for me on my Purchase application as I will call the vet and question them and they basically fill you in on everything if they pay on time and if they make on time visits so Credit Check No But Vet Reference and follow up Call by the Seller YES!!!

Financial responsibility for dog owners?

Sounds like a good idea to me. While your at it, have would be parents submit to the same screening process so our welfare system won%26#039;t be so overburdened.

Financial responsibility for dog owners?

I agree with you on this. excellent idea.

Financial responsibility for dog owners?

I agree 150%!!!!!! Saying that, there should be a %26quot;minimum mandatory knowledge%26quot; requirement on dog ownership as well.

Some %26quot;questions%26quot; here are simply hideous.

Serenity is the Name : You will NOT be missed!!!

Financial responsibility for dog owners?

while theyre at it run %26quot;checks%26quot; on soon to be parents!

Why do people want to control each other!

Financial responsibility for dog owners?

when people can go out and have kids at the drop of the hat why are we worried more about who is adopting dogs and cats? lets get our priorities straight and fix the more important things first....our animals are important..sure...but i think kids are more important to worry about who is having them.

Financial responsibility for dog owners?

I dont think so.

I honestly think that people should have enough sense and NOT buy or adopt a pet when they know they cannot afford it. ]

I do not think that shelters and rescues should have to see your prior years tax return in order for you to adopt.

That just adds more responsibilities on over worked and under payed VOLUNTEERS and workers.

I feel that it%26#039;s the pet owners responsibilty to care for their dog.

sorry serenity.

i think you are ...what you called the dogs forumn.

Financial responsibility for dog owners?

I believe anything you take ownership of automatically comes with the financial responsibility. There%26#039;s no debate, it%26#039;s yours, you singed on, take care of things.

Financial responsibility for dog owners?

I take care of 3 dogs right now, and they don%26#039;t cost me a couple hundred a month. I buy them their food, and treats, monthly, and leashes on a as need basis, and healthcare/vaccinnations on an as need basis.

I COMPLETELY disagree with running a financial check to own a dog, I mean seriously... are you serious?

We shouldn%26#039;t punish people that live in poverty, just because they%26#039;re poor... Who are we to say they can%26#039;t enjoy companionship, just like we can... does it make us more %26quot;worthy%26quot; because we can pay thousands of dollars a year in medical care for our dogs? Hell no.

I%26#039;ve seen MANY a homeless people with dogs, that are well cared for, fat, and more happy than any dog you%26#039;ll meet... and yet... I see people with brand new Dodge trucks driving around, with an emaciated dogs tied up in the back of the truck... howling in the pooring rain, like I saw the other day at Walmart...

Finances have NOTHING to do with taking care of pets... it has EVERYTHING to do with whether you%26#039;re willing to pay for your pets, and make sacrifices.

I%26#039;ve been homeless 3 times now (just so I could keep my dogs... mind you), living out of my car once, and the other two times I pitched a tent in the woods...

And I was FULLY capable of taking care of my animals then, and now... including a $2000 reconstructive knee surgery when my youngest pup broke his knee.


Who%26#039;s more worthy... Me, the homeless gal, or some rich snob, with a BMW, who won%26#039;t even donate to the homeless...???

Financial responsibility for dog owners?

Personal, I agree the suggestion.


Financial screen may or may not help.

I know people they are rich, they live in a big house. They bought the dog for protection purpose. And leave the dog outside of their say few acres house. But, then the dog get sick, they would not spend any penny on them. They may think, well, I can get another big dog from shelter after this one die.

Imaging, people in YA, need at least Internet connection and computer. Of course, these equipment is not super expensive, but still worth some money. Yet, they are here, whining, %26quot;I don%26#039;t have money for VET%26quot;.

Financial responsibility for dog owners?


Financial responsibility for dog owners?

I agree with you. Having a dog is same as having a child, you need to be financially stable. It breaks my heart to see these posts that the dog does need emergency vet care but the owner cannot afford it.

Financial responsibility for dog owners?

In Theory, I understand the idea. However, even people with money don%26#039;t take care of their pets.

I tend to agree with Kristen B and Nodesignerdogs.

What would be the amount? Then you get into if you don%26#039;t feed food X you are a bad owner.

I think people SHOULD be resposible. I pray every day that they are. But they aren%26#039;t. A check like this would probably just condem more dogs to death and keep them out of good loving homes.

It%26#039;s an interesting idea and I understand your point.

Serenity - this is the dog section of YA. We talk about dogs pretty much ALL the time. I don%26#039;t know what you expected but this is what goes on here. Sorry to disappoint you.

Financial responsibility for dog owners?

no, i don%26#039;t. that is not fair to anyone, really. it doesn%26#039;t cost me a hundred dollars a month to take care of my dog, and i have to have her groomed every 4-6 weeks. it still doesn%26#039;t cost a hundred dollars a month. people do the best they can. i mean, it may cost a couple of hundred to get your initial vet check and puppy shots, but i think once the dog gets all of its shots, barring an emergency, you take the dog for yearly check ups. as for veterinary bills, i don%26#039;t know about all vets, but mine will take payments if an emergency occurs. i couldn%26#039;t afford the over $1500.00 when my dog got a broken leg and had to have surgery. of course the vet was accomodating. so, we made monthly payments and paid it off. are we rich? umm, not. does that mean i shouldn%26#039;t have dog? certainly not. the reality is if average people waited till they could %26quot;afford%26quot; kids or dogs, no one would have either. you do what you can.

Financial responsibility for dog owners?

I love your question, and I love the idea. It would be great if some system like this could be instated. People are looking for %26quot;Free%26quot; dogs and they don%26#039;t seem to understand that even %26quot;free%26quot; pets aren%26#039;t free! They think they get a dog throw it food every now and then and its ok. I just hate people like this. I could get really into answering this, but I will say that I highly agree with you.

I have to go feed my kids, they are hungry, I just wanted to answer this nice question.

BTW: I just had an emergency vet bill for one of my pups who got an abcess (which we can%26#039;t figure out how he got it) but this bill was $1250.00 up front. More if they had to operate. So not only should people be assessed monetarily for the regular expenses, they should be able to show proof that they can provide emergency care if need be. Lots of people can%26#039;r afford the upfront $$ to get their pet emergency care, and these animals end up dead or severly injusred, or sick.

I agree, I am sick and tired of these posts that say %26quot;My dog is sick and I want to know what to do, because I can%26#039;t afford to take them to the vet, or the vets to far, its too late at night%26quot;...It drives me crazy, that is the responsibility you take on when owning a pet... I wonder if it would be the same way if they had a kid.

ANyways, gotta go feed the kids, they are trying to get me off the computer by bumping my arm with their noses...

Great Question!

Edit : I do agree with Cindy P and Kristin B. They make great points... I actually agree with them more than my own answer...

I actually do know people that don%26#039;t have much money. There are times when myself and husband are those poor people. When times get rough, the dogs are always fed and have their vitamins, and we eat whatever we can scrounge up and don%26#039;t buy groceries for ourselves.

Sometimes those who are poor have the love enough to take better care of their pets than those who have money. The ones who have money just may be the ones who are posting these questions, because they want to buy something else and not spend their money on their so called beloved companions.

Financial responsibility for dog owners?

Amazingly I did give your question some thought!! If a credit check for financial responsibility was mandatory, that would involve legislation to enforce and regulate; any time government is involved things seem to get really screwed up, maybe a good idea, but not a practical one. Maybe all new dog owners should be required to buy pet insurance, again legislation to enforce and regulate, insurance companies would get rich, and pet owners would be paying through the nose for little to no coverage Or, perhaps an I.Q. test, but smarts don%26#039;t always translate into common sense. You can%26#039;t legislate kindness, devotion and the love people in all economic groups have for their animals. So, we%26#039;re stuck with ... Help my dog%26#039;s eyes have been bleeding for 5 days, I don%26#039;t have money for the vet, is he going to die?

I've got enough evidence to uncover the facts. What do you think? (click here if you have 10 mi

Some people may like this.You%26#039;re not gonna find this information anywhere else.I%26#039;m uncovering the secrets! (I%26#039;ve also provided evidence and have fixed the news link)

Special thanks to my American friend who helped me proofread my writing.

I believe that if you spend 5-10 minutes reading this essay, you will be better informed than if you listen to a lifetime%26#039;s worth of Major Media news. I%26#039;ve just turned 19 and I%26#039;m a university student studying English who just cannot sit back and let the lies fly unchallenged.

This article has two parts:

1. Cultural and general info

2. Political info.

Note: I%26#039;ve explained all the things that you always talk about, so read it all plz! (Anytime you like!) Specially the political part! Any answers before reading the whole thing will prove to be wrong.


Hi. I%26#039;m an Iranian who has spent his life in Iran.When I chat with people from other countries, I am shocked to see how totally wrong their ideas are about Iran. I wrote this article in an attempt to help correct those ideas.

The first thing America, and the West in general, accuses our government of is that we don%26#039;t allow personal freedoms. Actually, Iranians disobey laws they don%26#039;t like as much as anyone. But come on, there are only a few restrictions.It%26#039;s cool over here. People here do whatever they wish to! Many strict rules in other countries don%26#039;t even exist in Iran. Also, you should understand that what may seem so normal to you, may be a nightmare for us and vise versa. That%26#039;s why you don%26#039;t understand a few of Iran%26#039;s laws because some of them are based on our culture. You look at our country from %26quot;your own point of view%26quot;! In Iran every single house has a sattelite dish. Sattelite television has a serious influence on our people, and Iranians wear very fashionable clothing. Maybe it is a kind of imitation, but we still have our own unique Iranian style (I%26#039;m talking about public places, in our privacy there%26#039;s no difference). A visitor might wonder if this is a country or a fantasy pageant of beauty queens! Almost women wear half their their hair out, and make-up and fashionable clothing are everywhere.(I ignore a few fuddy-duddies though!) Iran is one of the super-consumers of cosmetics. You would be surprised to see the difference between what you imagine and what Iran really is!

In my view, everything is great, if you ignore unemployment, inflation and air pollution. They%26#039;re common problems around the world today! Also, you can%26#039;t compare Iran today with the Iran you remember. The Shah and the Iatollah Khomini are both some 30 years in the past! 70% of Iran%26#039;s population is a new generation (Under age 30) without the biases of the past and we%26#039;ve transformed everything.

Ever heard Iranian girls are terrific?I%26#039;ve collected some photos showing Iranian girls! Look! Poeple are like this!

Americanised Iranian girl? Nope, everyone%26#039;s like that, but this one%26#039;s inside the car! Naughty girls do anything! Enough proof?

Some people think women don%26#039;t have any rights in Iran. But in my view, women are overrunning the place. But that%26#039;s not a bad thing. They%26#039;re very respectful, and they%26#039;ve been the winners in so many cases: They get into the best universities because they%26#039;re very smart. And they get the best jobs because they can do so many of them better than men. They%26#039;ve got Islamic rights, and that has in some cases made it difficult for men to marry them, because husbands are supposed to buy them expensive things and treat them very well, otherwise women have the right to ask a great amount of money (called Mehr) according to the law, which most husbands cannot afford, so men will be imprisoned.The only thing that women are not allowed to do in Iran is getting into public football stadiums and that%26#039;s because such places are full of cheeky guys. They do anything from taking part in rallies to singing pop songs.Anything! I%26#039;ve put a sample here. I feel foolish for sitting here explaining ordinary things to you.

Another funny thing: Your footage about stoning the women who have committed adultery. Have you ever asked yourselves how many years ago that footage related to? Are they balck and white or colourful? But in one case (related to many years ago) the thing that had happened was incest not adultery.We think being punished for corruption is good, as it deters people from doing that and the society will be far healthier than the countries in which commiting such things is considered to be normal! For your information, most of those footages are from Afghanistan which was ruled by freaks (Taliban). What exactly makes you think women are treated differently?The way they were/are treated in Saudi Arabia? Try to think of the racism in your country too. There%26#039;s no perfect country!

Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan are --------- SEPERATE COUNTRIES! --------- Even within Iran, 60% of us are Persian and 30% are Turkish! Iran is a normal country like any other in the world. The point is, there%26#039;s nothing mysterious about us! The Media are very good at creating really scary stuff: %26quot;IRAN BEHIND THE CLOSED DOORS!!!%26quot; %26quot;IRAN UNDERCOVER!!!%26quot; Some of that garbage would be enough to scare ME away! But in truth, Iranians are far more open-minded than you have been led to believe.

There are lots of Iranians today who are geniuses and scientists, and are all under age 25. For instance a 17 year old boy has invented 72 amazing inventions. Every year a special scientific compeition is held here and students assemble to show off hundreds of inventions. Iranian students and sportsmen win gold and silver medals in different competitions in the world all the time, in robotics, biology, maths, physics, sports, anything! Why don%26#039;t the Media talk about them? Please don%26#039;t summarize our nation and culture with the single word %26quot;nuclear%26quot;. Although we%26#039;re proud of this achievement because we believe that having nuclear energy means that a country is developed.Did you know that the countries having the highest number of scientists in the world are in this order? 1-India 2-Korea 3-Iran

A few months ago Iran uncovered the most effective anti-H.I.V medicine. I searched for news of that on the internet, but there was no single sign of it.Now, I found it among the English news: %26quot;The medicine is produced from herbs using nano technology%26quot; The link to read about it is:

The Media are unjust. They never talk about facts!

Some interesting facts:

Iran is a pioneer in medicine and genetics, and Iranian surgeons have found lots of new methods for treating spinal defects, and many diseases (mainly the treatment for different types of cancer) and the best brain and heart surgeons are Iranian. The head of the Mars Mission in NASA is Iranian. One of the best designers of sports cars working in Germany is Iranian. Some of the best 3D animators are Iranian. Iran is one of the best countries in counter-engineering. Holds the second place in building dams and in loads of other things! It%26#039;s one of the top countries in bio-technology and nano-technology. The 4th highest tower in the world (Milad tower) is in Tehran (visit it at this link from wikipedia: ). 51 of the top 100 universities in the Mid-East are in Iran, and they%26#039;re among the top universities of the world as well. The champion weight-lifter, a woman, and a song by one of the pop singers who/which won the nobel peace prize are Iranians. Lots of Iranians win nobel prizes specially in the field of medicine. Iranian girls are famous for being terrific. We have Persian rugs and Persian literature, many Persian poets, artists and scientists that are world famous. Iranian culture is now westernized and only a little of the ancient culture has survived. According to statistics Tehran is the cheapest capital city in the world (one Dollar =about 950 Tomans! For example you can buy windows vista for 1 Dollar here instead of 700 Dollars!!! or 3 supper pizzas for 10 Dollars!!!wow!) There are many other things. How many pages would you need to describe a country? Iran has nearly all the industries and technologies found in %26#039;developed%26#039; countries. Oh, and we have four seasons! (Some people think it never snows here! We get a lot of snow and there are skating rinks! lol) The list is endless.

News: %26quot;Iranian scientists managed to make human teeth grow after you%26#039;ve lost them using basic cells%26quot; I%26#039;m gonna introduce Iran%26#039;s international news website to you (Press TV) which was established recently. It%26#039;s fully in English. In the %26quot;Sic / Tech%26quot; section you%26#039;ll always see Iran%26#039;s discoveries. The address is: Press TV news: Iranian scientists have registered more than 4800 inventions during the last Iranian calendar year of 1385 (April 21 2006-April 20, 2007). 4800 inventions in just one year!

Some charactristics of Iranians would be:

Negative: We are proud, greedy, hard-working (for ourselves), not punctual, impatient, and lazy at doing our duty well, crazy about luxuries and thus extravagant! Highly competitive and ambitious.

Positive: intelligent, a bit idealistic, well-dressed, formal, well-educated, warm and friendly, hospitable.

Some people think Iran is a desert! Well, it is, if you consider California, New Mexico, Utah, Arkansas, and Alabama a desert. We share the same latitude. Iran is a modern country with breathtakingly beautiful nature and lots of historic places to visit. Please take a look at the following links to see if Iran looks like what you think or not! This is a photo of Tehran (Awesome, Isn%26#039;t it?):

If you like you can visit these too, hundreds of pretty photos from the cities, nature and historic places: (It%26#039;s like a free tour!)

Some people think music is forbidden in Iran. Did you know that Iranian music was chosen as the best pop in France in 2005? All Iranian songs are current pop / DJ music. I send Iranian music to my American and Canadian chat friends and they all say they%26#039;re some of the best songs they%26#039;ve ever heard.

Here%26#039;s a sample of the latest hits from two official Iranian music websites.You can just right click on the links below and choose %26quot;Save Target As%26quot; to download them.I guess you%26#039;ll fall for it! The translation of the songs is here:;...

1.(You know this: 2007)

2.(Hold my hand: 2007)

3.(The wetness of your eyes: 2006)

4.(I just want you: 2003)

5.(The rain: 2007)

6.(The window: 2005)

7.(Keep me in your memory: 2005)

8.(Farangis %26quot;A female name%26quot; 2007)

9.(The distance: 2007)

10.(Sunrise: 2007)

11.(Stop world:2006)

12.(You can%26#039;t: 2007)

13.(The wind%26#039;s kiss: 2005)

14.(Reveal your visage: 2004)

15.(What would have happened if : 2007)

And so on and on!

It%26#039;s now 2007 and most people still think we are uneducated people living in deserts, riding camels and carrying around guns!

Let%26#039;s clarify some political issues as well: Some of the Americans think that president Ahmadinejad hates the U.S and Israel and wants to nuke them!! The Media are good at putting lying comments out there. I really don%26#039;t get the point why our politicians defame themselves by talking about things that have got nothing to do with us. For example does verbal defence of Palestinians cause them to have a better life? The thing is that they occasionally make some statements that the media would misuse it against Iran. For example they pick up some specific phrases of a long speech (without refering to the main points and reasons for that speech) and put so many bad comments on that. No sane person would take such nonsense at face value.

First of all, Iranians don%26#039;t hate anyone. If our government complains about some injustice going on in the world, it%26#039;s not bad, is it? (Although what we want from them is to shut up and not get us into trouble by talking about things that are none of our concern) We hate neither Jews nor Americans. I love Americans, otherwise why would I talk to them?! How would our guys dream of America, want to be like them as much as possible, and hate them at the same time?! SECRET: Iranians are the only people in the Mid-East that are pro-American! Being agaisnt the U.S policies is a different story!I%26#039;ve got to say that for Iran, Israel is not equal with Jews! Israel is a gov%26#039;t. Jews are faithful people! A few of them live here in our neighbourhood and they live just like the rest of Iranians. No difference. And two of Iran%26#039;s parliment members are Jews. Who says we want to force others to convert to Islam? Have you ever found a Muslim knocking at your door asking you to do so?

Christians and Jews are both God-believers and respectful to us. In Iran, religion is one of the least important factors. Where you come from and what your religion is are not important to us at all.

I wonder who Iran is really a threat to. Is it logical to say someone%26#039;s guilty because we THINK / PREDICT that he%26#039;s going to do something wrong? And they repeat the same %26quot;nuclear weapons%26quot; tosh over and over and brainwash people! Correction! It%26#039;s %26quot;nuclear energy%26quot;. Besides, how many %26quot;nuclear weapons%26quot; do they have themselves? Hundreds of thousands? Has Iran ever attacked any countries? No. Has it developed any nukes? No! That%26#039;s what nuclear agency says. Only Iran%26#039;s opponents are pulling Iran%26#039;s leg and what they say is of no credit. It%26#039;s just based on political conflicts. What we%26#039;re doing is legal. What they ask us to do (ignoring our international rights) is illegal. Iran is a peaceful country. Why? It%26#039;s the regional super-power and if she wanted, she could easily invade the countries in our neibourhood just like what Saddam did to our country, but as you see Iran has peaceful relations with all of them.

Some people say he said: Israel should be wiped off the map! (I wish he could just shut up!)But have they told you the rest of his speech and that why he%26#039;s said this at all? You know that it%26#039;s a passive sentence. He%26#039;s never said that IRAN wants to wipe Israel off the map! He wasn%26#039;t talking about destroying Israel at all. He was talking about relocating Israel, so that they could live seperate from Palestinians and they could both live in peace. They%26#039;ve only told you this phrase not the whole thing and it%26#039;s mistranslated intentionally. Iran has always defended itself, but it%26#039;s not an offensive country.

Some say he%26#039;s said: %26quot;The Holocaust is a myth!%26quot; Again, this is a single phrase taken from a long speech and there are totally logical reasons for saying so. If 6,000,000 Jews were killed, that%26#039;s terrible, but 300,000 Shiite Moslems killed by Saddam aren%26#039;t important at all? Over 650,000 Iraqi people are killed and that%26#039;s not important?! When Fox News simply says that America and Israel are capable of destroying and killing Iran%26#039;s population of 69,000,000 within two weeks, it%26#039;s OK and no one says they%26#039;re threatening other countries to nuke them (I saw this with my own eyes on the Fox News website) Millions of people killed in Afghanistan, Hiroshima %26amp; Nagasaki and the Vietnam war are not considered human beings at all! Now I think you%26#039;d get the point why he%26#039;s IRONICALLY said it%26#039;s a myth. Moreover, don%26#039;t you believe in freedom of speech/mind? I%26#039;d judge people by their ACTIONS rather than by what they say / their religion / race / culture and the colour of their skin!

Obviously, some countries are using Iran as a scapegoat to put the blame (for their own faults) on. And what country is better than Iran to be a scapegoat? The whole world believes that Iran isn%26#039;t a peaceful country.

This part is just for Americans who would still argue over unimportant things: Those of you who say why Iran says %26quot;Death to America%26quot;:

1. %26#039;America%26#039; to us means the U.S govt, not the people. How do you expect Iranians to mean %26quot;American people%26quot; when our media admires Americans for marching and holding up %26quot;no war%26quot; placards?!

2. The new generation don%26#039;t say such things and if some of them occasionally march in the streets that%26#039;s because some of the stupid guys enjoy making noise and they mainly go out there to meet their girlfriends/boyfriends! Strange. Isn%26#039;t it?

3. Such mottos are not just said in Iran and as you know whatever you hear is a response to the U.S govt%26#039;s terrible actions which has made life for many people hell (You wouldn%26#039;t deny that attacking countries is a mistake. right?)

4. The U.S gov%26#039;t helped Saddam attack Iran and I hope you know which country gave Iraq biological weapons which killed lots of Iranians.

5. America hit an Iranian airplane over the Persian Gulf and killed 200 passengers for no reason.

6. America places sanctions on Iran, promotes a false image of Iran and Iranians, scares tourists away, and harms our economy, development and credit. To what purpose?

When you call Ahmadinejad a nutcase for what he%26#039;s said, what do you call Bush for his actions? I mean it%26#039;s a good idea to consider what Bush is doing to the world with his wrong decisions and lies. Bush is powerful and influencial, but Ahmadinejad is nothing.He%26#039;s even failed to control the inflation.

To those who are upset with American hostages taken for 444 days:

1. Firstly, It%26#039;s related to so many years ago and it%26#039;s almost a part of history, and don%26#039;t forget that when there%26#039;s a revolution, there%26#039;d be chaos and people may do things that they should not, moreover they%26#039;re all alive and healthy. Aren%26#039;t they?

2.The U.S has arrested Iranian diplomats in Iraq and had tortured the one who was freed. Poor British sailors were detained by the English gov%26#039;t just for saying that they were treated well in Iran and that Iranians were logical people (They said these when they were on England%26#039;s soil!) They were PREVENTED from releasing their memoirs by England! Now you decide who has the right to be upset with whom. How do you believe in their lies about politics when they hide both the most and the least important things from you considering the fact that politics is the world of lies in its nature?!!! Considering all this, you%26#039;d probably be able to GUESS what percentage of what they tell you about the Mid-East, Islam, Moslems and other things is true!!! lol Some answerers still confuse Iraq and Iran after reading all this! You are in Iraq not in Iran! They%26#039;re separate countries!

Isn%26#039;t it better for both countries to forget past conflicts and to have peaceful relations? Our two gov%26#039;ts are like 10 year old children playing a stupid, harsh, rhetorical game. (We hate them both!) They don%26#039;t care about hurting people%26#039;s feelings. They just try to make our two peoples enemies to achieve their own goals. We, as the people of these countries, MUST NOT allow these conflics into our hearts. You know something? All govt%26#039;s are hateful. I just said the above things because it sounds unfair when some Americans talk about the taking of the 444 hostages while I keep silence. Now, what do you think? I can%26#039;t wait to see both nations in peace. It%26#039;d be marvelous! They%26#039;ve started to have diplomatic talks! That%26#039;s great!

A lovely American told me: %26quot;Having had the wonderful opportunity to visit your country enabled me to see for myself how wonderful the Iranian people are and to learn about your history, your culture, your cuisine, music, films, dance, sacred sites, your medical accomplishments...all your beauty. I am so sorry my country%26#039;s government seems to delight in trying to bully Iran. Worst of all are the lies told. I know enough about your country to be able to discern when the propaganda machine here is operating. I just wish more Americans traveled and could see for themselves what I have seen. By the way, I traveled to Iran under the auspices of The Friendship Force, an organization started by Pres. Carter to promote peace through one-on-one friendship, a mission I take seriously. Thank you for your wonderful essay on Iran.%26quot;

BTW, make sure you visit the links I%26#039;ve put up for you.They%26#039;re all from trusted websites. There are some really nice stuff there! Absoulutely beautiful pictures (look at cities and nature) and %26quot;Americanised%26quot; music! lol

Thanks for your time

I%26#039;ve got enough evidence to uncover the facts. What do you think? (click here if you have 10 minutes or so)

I think you overestimate the number of people in the west that hate your country. I know that there is a lot of hate generated by atrocites perpetrated by both sides. Kidnapping, torture and illegal imprisonments, I mean they have been done by both sides in a long term conflict that will take years to heal from psycologically as well as spirtitually and physically for some. I personally have no ill feelings towards the Iranian people as a whole and simply wish that the age old question:

%26quot;Why can%26#039;t we all just get along?%26quot; could actually be answered. But I think we will be waiting an awfully long time for the rednecks of the world-American, Canadian and Iranian as well as Iraqi, to either change or die out. Its possible that the world will one day enjoy brotherhood and harmony in a World Congress of sometype, I think the original thinking behind the UN was a good thing, too bad the spirit of the organization has been corrupted over the years and too much control of its workings are in the hands of too few of the member nations so as to give it only a figure head status in the world. Perhaps if it had troops that were completely autonomous from all of the member nations, made up of peoples from all countries, that were under the command of the UN itself and were not answerable to any one nation it could do something good but as it is it is only Window Dressing. I don%26#039;t pretend to know the answers and I have no idea what can be done to make a World utopia happen, all I can say is we have to learn to work and play well with others here on our home planet before we can ever hope to get along with any other race that we might encounter out in space. Lets hope we get our stuff together before we are forced to by something like what occured in Independence Day or before we are pushed into it by something like what happened in Sagan%26#039;s Contact. As for my time, you were welcome to it. Understanding is the greatest gift we can give one and other and if I can gain some of that by giving you 10 minutes of my time to read what you wrote then I will. Peace! as the 60%26#039;s era hippies used to say!

I%26#039;ve got enough evidence to uncover the facts. What do you think? (click here if you have 10 minutes or so)

Every Iranian I know hates the government of Iran and the changes they imposed after the Shah was deposed, especially the woman.

And I know several of the bahai faith who would disagree that they are allowed many personal freedoms.

I guess it%26#039;s been a while since you%26#039;ve been in Iran.

ADDED: So answer my question about the bahai... do you maintain they face no state sanctioned discrimination?

How about non-Persians?

I%26#039;ve got enough evidence to uncover the facts. What do you think? (click here if you have 10 minutes or so)

anything can be twisted to fit an individuals ideas.

I%26#039;ve got enough evidence to uncover the facts. What do you think? (click here if you have 10 minutes or so)

Well done!

However, the sad truth is that the people who are close minded and think the neo-cons are right for wanting to nuke every muslim country back to the stone age will never spend the time it takes to read this. Their angry and simplistic minds are already made up. I hope I%26#039;m wrong though, because I%26#039;ve heard similar stories from people who have traveled to Iran. Let%26#039;s just hope than enough people in this country keep their wits long enough to prevent the relatively small group of ideological extermists (the neo-cons) from pulling off another really disasterous and illegal war.

I%26#039;ve got enough evidence to uncover the facts. What do you think? (click here if you have 10 minutes or so)

It%26#039;s easier sometimes for people to blame a faceless nation and to see them as the problem rather than looking closer to home. Britain and America have enjoyed the privilege of thinking they have the moral high ground for a long time. All countries have their problems, and most have at some time had people in power who abuse their power.

I have no doubt that Iran is a beautiful country with lots of lovely people and that for many the quality of life is excellent. All countries have their dark sides and unpleasant realities they would rather others didn%26#039;t know about.

Not everyone in Iran has equality of opportunity, not everyone is free to practise their chosen religion. The US and Britiain have their own inequalities too.

I%26#039;ve got enough evidence to uncover the facts. What do you think? (click here if you have 10 minutes or so)

don%26#039;t think so TIM............when i click on 2 of those sights my security say DON%26#039;T OPEN.........nice try

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I got this email from you and tell me what i do to effect my emailDear SAFA STEPHAN,?


Britney Spears is a....(continue)?

Is brintney a good mom? no. but she TRIES. I doesnt help that the world is against her. im not like 1 of her crazyed fans but i just think, we could give her some credit for the good things she does! i mean we arent inside her house, so how r we supposed to kno if she istaking care of her kids or not!

on the othe hand my mom actually takes care of me so how should i know? Tell me if u think she is a good mom or a bad mom with reasons plz!


Britney Spears is a....(continue)?

Hi sweetie look Britney is her own worst enemy, she is self destructing in front of our eyes at the expense of her 2 children.


She has a fortune of over 125 million dollars so it%26#039;s not as if she couldn;t afford to have her children cared for properly.

Sadly she is in dire need of pyschological help to assist her get off all the substance abuse she is doing to herself .

Simply she is not a good Mom to take charge of her children..%26quot;At the moment%26quot; this will change I%26#039;m sure in the future...Cheers 閳?br>Britney Spears is a....(continue)?

she needs to go back to jail and stay there for the rest of her natural boring troubled life

Britney Spears is a....(continue)?

a good mom doesn%26#039;t let her one year old behind the wheel of a car and a good mom kicks the dead beat dads *** to the curve to make sure her kid gets everything they need and more and a good mom doesn%26#039;t shouldn%26#039;t be flashing her goodies so one day her 20 year old son can look back and see what a easy piece of work their mother was. i don%26#039;t have anything against her but she could%26#039;ve done better with her kids even though no mom is perfect but she did some things that people only need common sense to avoid

Britney Spears is a....(continue)?

Britney needs help...physically and emotionally. A good mom knows when she has hit rock bottom. Britney thinks nothing is wrong with herself. She needs to realize that this is the real world and if she isn%26#039;t careful, she will never get her kids back. She may love them, but not enough to straighten her life out.

Britney Spears is a....(continue)?

Britney spears is a normal person.

Things that are happening to her happens to most people, she is just getting all of this because she is famous. people should give her a break, she should go for a break

Britney Spears is a....(continue)?

enough with Britney....I don%26#039;t give a $hit ....about her or her drama.......for a person who is in the media as much as she is...should be doing more positive things in the public eye rather then negative things......don%26#039;t give me that BS about how young she is...give her a break....she didn%26#039;t have a childhood....blah,blah,blah......thats a broken record.....because once you have a child....the it%26#039;s all about me mentality.... goes out the window

Britney Spears is a....(continue)?

out of control %26amp; she needs a good spanking

Britney Spears is a....(continue)?

I think Britney is offically the world%26#039;s 1st dead beat mom.

Britney Spears is a....(continue)?

no she is horrible

Mold and Wall damage in Apartment?

I recently discovered extensive mold on the wall and carpet of my closet in my apartment. Since I had been away on travel, I had not noticed until now. I did notice odd smells in my apt for at least 2-3 weeks now. I had 38 articles of clothing that are completely soaked in mold, smell horrible, and have visible signs. I notified my landlord and they are in the process of %26quot;taking care of the problem%26quot;. The managment company would not let me move into another unit due to the difference in size/rent. They told me they are obligated to fix a problem once they discover it and will give me 1 week rental credit while they fix it.

The mold is extensive and extremely gross. Am I legally entitled to more than just 1 week rental credit? What about the potential health hazard it has caused? How do I know for certain that all the mold in the wall and carpet will be gone? Do I get reimbursed for my damaged clothes? What other legal issues? I took pictures, am on month to month rent.

Mold and Wall damage in Apartment?

Go to your doctor and have a checkup as some people are allergic to mold but don%26#039;t know it. At the very least they are willing to fix the problem but do they know where the mold is coming from? Check the outside wall as moisture usually enters from the outside in. If you found it in the carpet at well and there are mold spurs then the problem has been there for quite awhile and you could take them to court if they knew about the problem before you moved in. They are to provide the tenant with a safe enviroment and the mold may become a health issue/

Mold and Wall damage in Apartment?

Hopefully, you have renters insurance. Other than that there is nothing that you can do. In you contract it states that you need to have renter%26#039;s insurance. If you do you need to call your insurance company right away!

Mold and Wall damage in Apartment?

Tough one, our agency has helped locally with some of our customers that had similar problems and we turned them over to the attorneys who took the matter to task and as I understand it the issues are being resolved out of court. You might want to seek some legal guidance from local counsel on the matter.

Here is what the government says

For the EPA%26#039;s publication, %26quot;A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home%26quot;

Mold and Wall damage in Apartment?

They were notified and are taking care of it. They are giving you a credit of 1 week rent.

No, they are not responsible for your clothing. It is obviously a leak that you never noticed when you were there and when you found and reported it, they jumped right on it. They do not have to move you, pay for you to move, nor pay for your damages.

They will need to fix the problem, clean the walls and replace the carpet and padding.

Hard to believe that you never noticed clothes feeling damp if there was a leak. You never said how long you were gone away on travel, but it had to be for a few weeks because mold doesnt grow on clothes overnite. And if you noticed an odd smell in the apt, then using the clothes in your closet you would have noticed the smell even more and noticed damp clothes. Judging by your statements, the leak happened while you were away and no one was there to report it.

As the landlord does not have to reimburse you for anything, giving you a weeks rent is pretty darn nice I would say.

I'm requesting a layout site div.please help!?

hello there. thankyou for caring to read this. lets get iinto bussiness.

i have a layout site, and i want a div for my site. i don%26#039;t really care what is the picture of the layout, just nothing pink.

i just don%26#039;t want pink on my profile.

okay,here goes:

-header will be 搴怉sianlious

-4 boxes

-boxes tittle: About the site,Navigation,Whore box,Goodies.

-for the navigation box i want the link of home,add,msg,cmmt,and your credit.

-make it simple,don%26#039;t be too complicated,go nuts.

thats all. my myspace link is.

contact me there or aim me at: asianliouslyts

I%26#039;m requesting a layout site div.please help!?

If you have a layout website %26amp; make them, why don%26#039;t you just make your own DIV layouts?

Here is a div layout generator....

And to get the links for your layout, use this....

Just type in the url to your site.

Make sure you add a %26quot;block%26quot; link because you can get deleted if you dont have it.

If you%26#039;re talking about a div layout for a layout site on myspace, this site has a couple already made that aren%26#039;t pink... (blue 1 at bottom of page) (green 1 at bottom of page)

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