Saturday, October 31, 2009

What is the problem?

My boyfriend and I have been together 3 years this month. He was out of work for 9 months, I tried to motivate him to get a job. Now he%26#039;s working again but we are still fighting. I love him so much but things have been so rocky. I take blame for pushing him so hard but he just didn%26#039;t seem like he cared about a job. Now he let his credit card go even though I offered to help him pay it off. He never speaks to his kids because he says they live so far away and he can%26#039;t sleep when he does call them because he can%26#039;t afford to visit them. He has no clue if marrage is in his future. Am I at a dead end road? There is so much that he avoids. I try to talk to him all the time about these things but he just wants to sit, play video games and ignor his responsibilities as an adult. I%26#039;ve been taking care of him through his months of unemployment and now all he wants to do is just do what he wants. He don%26#039;t seem to care what I think. My son is attached to him and everything. I don%26#039;t know what to do

What is the problem?

you have a no brain er on your hand lady!! first thing first, you need to stop blaming yourself for pushing him. If you didn%26#039;t push him to get off his lazy dead beat azz of his.

Secondly, don%26#039;t offer to paid his debt!! if you do, you have taken away one of the many reasons why he should be out looking for work. Get it!!! He would still be sitting there in front of the tv playing video game.

Okay, after nine months you carry the load and he only sat around doing much of nothing. He see that you can work and take of everything. Why should he work when he know you can handle all on your own. that%26#039;s is the bottom line here.

For some reason I don%26#039;t buy that crap about no going to see his kids or refuse to call them because he can%26#039;t sleep at night. Yeah right! If he truly want to visited his kids, there wouldn%26#039;t be a long nine month without working. If he really want to visited his kids, do you think he would put some money aside for that reason? think about it, lady.

at the pace he is going now, marriage is no way in his future. Do you think your marriage with him would last long? why would you want to burden yourself with someone like him?

Yes, you%26#039;re right about being at the dead end road with him. Sorry, the writting is on the wall. The only thing I that come to my mind, you sit down and tell him. This behavior of his is not the making of a happy relationship that you was looking forward too. Is only create more problems than it worth and its not good thing. He need to get over his slump and work and be responsable man. Or it time for the two of you to part ways. For your son, he doesn%26#039;t need to see this kind of behavoir from him. It will set in his mind this is the way a man should conduct himself in a relationship.

what do to, easy. if he don%26#039;t ship up, its time for him to ship out! and put your foot down. This is not love he is showing you at all.

What is the problem?

Wow you got yourself a real winner.

What is the problem?

Ya know when you turn that sand timer over and you think that that last bit of sand take sooooo much time to get through. Then all of sudden its gone.

Times up, time to bail!

What is the problem?

say bye bye and leave him!

What is the problem?

Get a life %26amp; ditch the deadbeat.......

What is the problem?

You see everything in front of you. Do you really want to go ahead with this relationship? Do you really think you will be happy? I understand that you have invested 3 years of your life with him - but - it doesn%26#039;t seem that they have been a good 3 years. Yes - this is a dead end, I%26#039;m sorry. Just because your son is attached to him is no reason to continue to be unhappy. Find a man that can treat you right and respect you. This guy doesn%26#039;t sound like he can do that. Why do we woman settle? I would rather be alone than to have to put up with someone that doesn%26#039;t treat me right or respect me. Good luck and find happiness.

What is the problem?

You American women are so afraid of loneliness that you

put up with anyone, that would physically resemble a man,

honey this bum you call a boyfriend is walking all over you

i mean he hasn%26#039;t even tried getting a job, doesn%26#039;t that tell

you something? he%26#039;s counting on YOU for a living , he will

end up draining all your resources , please for the love of

god kick him out or get out of that house and love a REAL

man, who will provide and take care of you ,instead of playing

XBOX like a rebellious teenager.

What is the problem?

Stop him now. It took two wrecked marriages before I understood what I was doing to the people that love me most. I fell into a trap, and quit living one day at a time. I went for my goals, and just filled in time waiting for the next opportunity to meet the next goal. That included my marriages. I got married and moved on to the next goal all but abandoning my wife at the altar after the vows were made. I had serious problems, but your boyfriend never made it to the altar, and does not seem to have goals. Get out.

Some spouses are lucky enough for the pain of separation/divorce to reach into the heart and bring an understanding to the - put your problem here - spouse, and attempts are made to reform. But they still need to get divorced. This is a strong symbol which signifies divorcing the old - put your problem here - spouse, and only leaving the door open to the new and improved spouse.

What is the problem?


I know this is a hard position to be in, but look to the future. Is this what you want your son to see as a way to live? I know he is attached to him but what kind of a role model is your boyfriend for him. It is better to leave than to stay in this situation. Think of your son and yourself. If he doesn%26#039;t talk to his kids because it hurts him, think of what his kids must think. Please get out before your son gets hurt.

Good Luck to you.

What is the problem?

My friend is kind of going through the same thing. He needs a wake up call. Leave him and see what actions he takes. If he loves you he will change and if he doesn%26#039;t, well, you%26#039;ll have your answer. Do it. Good luck.

What is the problem?

My soon to be EX husband is just like your boyfriend. Trust me it doesn%26#039;t get any better. I gave up 5 yrs. of my life to find out that it only gets worse. Even though your son is attached to him, what type of role model is he for your son. Get out now before you regret staying.

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