Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How will America be different?

What do you think America will look like in 4 years if your candidate wins this November?

You know, stuff like....


The economy

Health care


The trade deficit



The mortgage/credit crisis

Corporate bankruptsies

Oil prices

Energy independence

How will America be different?

Well,I suspect that the changes made would be a very slow process,congess is made up of mostly the old guard,and they will resist change.But many things will be moving it what I consider the right direction.I think we will,for the most part be out of I raq.More importantly we wont be starting any new wars to send our brave young people off to die in.I think most people will have access to health care,No change in terrorism in the short term,but I think by talking to our enemies and finding out exactly why they hate us and trying to do somewhat better by them,I think in the future it will be less likely that we are attacked by terrorists.I think mos of the rest of what you decribed will go on no matter who is in the whitehouse,there will be small strides in poverty andmaybe a reasonable bill passed on immigration.Oild prices will go up no matter who is there,but if my candidate is elected I expect him to make huge strides toward energy independance.And someday America will be grateful to this man.

How will America be different?

I can%26#039;t say since I don%26#039;t have a time machine but I hope it will be better than today.

How will America be different?

I would imaging things would be better then they are today but somethings you will never be able to fix, such as poverty. I don%26#039;t want to be a pessimist about that, but it is the truth. Anybody here remember the %26quot;War on Poverty%26quot;? I mean, I don%26#039;t think they really even made a dent in it.

How will America be different?

If we had a good leader to pick from but we don%26#039;t so i don%26#039;t see any good coming from the list you have .

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