Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Can i sue indiatimes ?

Hi All,

This is in regards to the indiatimes shopping website. The story goes like this.

I purchased a Nikon Digital SLR Camera from indiatimes shopping website. It was listed in their knockout offers, where people can buy products at very low prices. Camera%26#039;s list price was 49999 INR and discount was 41864 INR (approx) and actual price was 8135 INR which i paid and indiatimes confirmed my order. I have the automated mail from indiatimes as well. It was verified by indiatimes as well on 7th january. I ordered the camera on 5th Jan 2008. After several follow ups their customer care (Call center) people said that it takes 7 working days to deliver a product after verification.

Its a long srory, I%26#039;ll get to the point. On 7th or 8th Jan( I am not sure about the date) out of curiosity i asked this question to the customer care department people that how come this seller is selling this product so cheap. Then they said its a technical fault. By this time ammount from my account (Credit Card) has been taken already.

Then someone from customer care department assured that i%26#039;ll get my camera what so ever. She promised me to get in touch with me the next day with updates. She was some Team Leader there. She gave me her number as well and said that she will take care of this issue and i%26#039;ll get my camera. But she never called me, there i was sure there is something cooking. My friends insisted me to wait for some more days.

Finally i called yesterday and spoke with 2-3 people. First of all people were not willing to pick up the call.They were disconnecting the calls after picking up. Anyways, after 30 mins of maddeing efforts, i was able to contact the ETs of Indiatimes. Maneesh Nagi was his name who said that i will be getting my camera delivered at my doorsteps by 21st of Jan 2207.(Because according to him it takes 10 working days to deliver the product to be delivered, Not 7 working days from the time of order which is mentioned on indiatimes website.

OK.. its been too long story. I don%26#039;t know whether you%26#039;ve read it or not..




Now you guys tell me what should i do...

5. TIL reserves the right to refuse or cancel any order placed for a product that is listed at an incorrect price. This shall be regardless of whether the order has been confirmed and/or payment levied. In the event the payment has been processed by the same shall be credited to your account and duly notified to you by email.

this is one of their terms and conditions.

My explanation: I was never told that its an incorrect amount. Till yesterday customer care people were telling me my order status, that indicated that there was no problem with the amount.

for more infomation please visit ITL terms and services. here

In case you guys want to contact me : 9311848485 .

Can i sue indiatimes ?

The offer itself was such that it should have aroused suspicion with anyone and everyone. This is absolute greed.

Anyway. You can sue the company in all events. Since this is a simple contract for sale you need to establish the offer and acceptance aspects. And then the promise to perform the contract, which is reciprocal. You had made the payment therefore your part of the promise has been fulfiled. Since the company failed to perform its part you are entitled to sue the company.

First issue a legal notice through an advocate. I am sure you will get your work done by this. If there is no response you need to file a suit. File a comprehensive suit seeking performance of the contract or in the alternative refund of the amount alongwith interest @ 18% p.a. and considerable damages for the harrassment.

Some body else was also cheated by this company. Infact such companies cheat effortlessly day after day. Such cheated person may not have taken any action against the company. This encouraged the company to do more such acts. If only the first cheated person took the company to task then such an incident/fraud would not have been faced by anyone.

Dont curse the laws of the land. True there might be some infirmities. But you need to atleast give a fight if not a tough one, so that the issue is debated among people. This itself would be the first draw back for such companies. And mind you publicity of such nature would wipe out such companies from the business.

Dont think you are suing the company for your benefit. In all such cases you are actually doing it for the benefit of the entire consumer community. Best of luck.

Can i sue indiatimes ?

Just get your money back from them and dont ever do biz with them again... It will cost you more than its worth to try and sue them..

Can i sue indiatimes ?

The main intention of them was to take money from you people which they click on the market and after few days they would return the money to you people, this is a profitable bussines and you the not the first one who is duped. My suggestion is to take the matter to consumer court, and also write to the editor of the compeitator newspaper o the times.

Can i sue indiatimes ?

It has been the general practice with all people

making such offers to wriggle out of the transaction by holding the prospective customer to the terms and conditions of the purchase which usually is loaded in favor of the

offerer.It is unfortunate that our Indian laws are so flawed that the victim in such cases loses out.Therefore,you would be wasting your money and only fattening the pockets of lawyers by litigating.Moreover you will be taking on a giant like Indiatimes who can afford to engage the best counsel.However,don%26#039;t lose heart.You should approach the Consumer Court

where you will definitely get justice.You should also claim punitive damages for misleading the public and also for setting an example to similar advertisers who make tall claims while trying to plug their products.Good Luck.

Can i sue indiatimes ?

if ur order was cancelled and u got ur money back then no u cant sue them. read their terms and conditions on the site and ull know their policies better.

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