There's a website called where you can find just about anyone, even celebrities. If someone hasn%26#039;t taken care when opening accounts for utilities or applying for credit cards, their info is out there. I found a couple of phone numbers for Oprah at two of her many houses around the country. I also found John Cougar Mellencamp%26#039;s phone number. My husband kept daring me to use to make a crank call to the Coug. ( uses a computerized voice to prank people and will put whatever you want on their caller ID). He wanted me to make it say, %26quot;Come on baby, make it hurt so good.%26quot; LOL!
Would you crank a celeb if you got his or her phone number? Or just call?
If you got hold of a celebrity%26#039;s phone number, would you call?
It depends on who it is. I%26#039;d crank someone like Britney and try to talk to Tom Cruise.
If you got hold of a celebrity%26#039;s phone number, would you call?
I would call and say hello. That%26#039;s about it.
If you got hold of a celebrity%26#039;s phone number, would you call?
No, that%26#039;s a little immature and weird.
No offense, lol but if you were a celeb.. Would you like to be prank called?
If you got hold of a celebrity%26#039;s phone number, would you call?
no, I do not feel it is worth my long distance minutes. Unless its Beyonce. Then I might.
If you got hold of a celebrity%26#039;s phone number, would you call?
I probably wouldn%26#039;t call.Why would they want to talk to me for?..But if I did call I would do a prank call, for fun. Lol.
If you got hold of a celebrity%26#039;s phone number, would you call?
Don%26#039;t wast your money and time. They don%26#039;t even know who you are probably its another prank call.
If you got hold of a celebrity%26#039;s phone number, would you call?
not unless if its paris hilton #. She so dumb she probably wont even realize that I was prank calling her lol. Hehe :)
If you got hold of a celebrity%26#039;s phone number, would you call?
I%26#039;d just call. I wouldn%26#039;t want them to slap me with a restraining order, telling me that I couldn%26#039;t call them, or that I%26#039;d have to stay a million miles away from them at all times.
If you got hold of a celebrity%26#039;s phone number, would you call?
Ever thought how it would be if YOU were on the receiving end of that %26#039;prank/crank%26#039; call?????
I would most certainly do NOT so, ever!
Grow up is my advice, sorry hun!
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